Soziologie-ein fliegender Holländer?

Soziologie- ein fliegender Holländer?

Mein Artikel aus "soziologie heute", Oktober 2015, s. Blog-Artikel vom 2.12.2015

Samstag, 21. Januar 2017

Instinkte steuern das Bewusstsein!

Vorsicht, der Bär kommt!

Die Änderung ihrer emotional-ideologischen Überzeugung  empfinden die meisten Menschen wie eine lebensgefährliche, körperliche Bedrohung und machen dicht! Argumente prallen ab!

Die Neurowissenschaften untersuchen den instinktiven Anteil des sozialen, symbolisch gesteuerten TIERS "Mensch".

Sie bestätigen die "Soziologie des Unbewussten", ihre Konzeption der  emotional-ideologischen Komfortzonen und die Unwahrscheinlichkeit einer rationalen Kommunikation über die Grenzen dieser Komfortzonen hinweg.

Ein soziales Naturgesetz!

Die Psychologen nennen das "backfire effect!"

"By placing subjects in an MRI machine and then asking them to consider counterarguments to their strongly held political beliefs, Jonas Kaplans and Sarah Gimbels research, conducted along with neuroscientist Sam Harris, revealed that when people were presented with evidence that alerted them to the possibility that their political beliefs might be incorrect, they reacted with the same brain regions that would come online if they were responding to a physical threat."

In this episode, two neuroscientists explain why some political beliefs are so connected to people's identities that their brains treat threats to those ideas as if they were threats to their flesh and bone.

“The response in the brain that we see is very similar to what would happen if, say, you were walking through the forest and came across a bear,” explains neurscientist Sarah Gimbel. "Your brain would have this automatic...

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